Is In House Payroll a good idea?
Here’s one reason why you might want to outsource to the professionals! A client left us in May 2023 (weekly payroll week 9), because they were struggling financially and thought by taking Payroll back in house, they would be able to cut some of their costs. Eleven...
Christmas is coming and 2024 is looming …… the New Year will be upon us before we know it!! ARE YOU READY?? Changes in Payroll legislation for 23/24 could affect your business. Today we start off with the new National Insurance Rates: The amount of National Insurance...
Let’s Talk Salary Sacrifice
Anything to do with tax seems to be something that confuses many employees and employers alike. One of the government schemes set up to help employees save money is called Salary Sacrifice scheme. In simple terms it allows employees to save money by paying for things...Payroll and BACS
BACS stands for Bankers Automated Clearing Services and is a popular and secure way of transferring money from one bank account to another. There are other methods, but it is the most popular method in the UK, with more than 90% of the UK workforce being paid via...
National Payroll Week
It’s National Payroll week and we thought it would be fun to prepare a short quiz with a few payroll facts, lets see what you know and for those on LinkedIn how you did you do with your answers:
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