Declaration of Compliance and Fines

£400 Fine for Late Filing of Declaration of Compliance Forms The whole area of Workplace Pensions has caused confusion amongst companies, especially SMEs, who often do not have the staffing levels needed to be able to comfortably manage the time required to fully...

Auto-Enrolment and the Declaration of Compliance

Between May and August 2017, over 100,000 small employers and their business advisers must complete and submit a Declaration of Compliance to The Pensions Regulator regarding Work Place pensions and Auto-Enrolment. This article looks at what you need to know about...

Confused by Auto-Enrolment?

For many companies, especially smaller companies that don’t have a dedicated in-house HR function to take the strain, Automatic Enrolment can be a complex and time consuming payroll issue when it comes to payroll. We can help guide and support you through the...

Hundreds of companies fail to pay the minimum wage

In February 2017, the government named over 350 businesses who had failed to pay their employees the National Minimum Wage or the National Living Wage. These companies were of all shapes and sizes, and there were some well-known High Street names in there too. Paying...

Is Your Business Struggling with Workplace Pensions?

Workplace Pensions and the associated automatic enrolment dates are law for all companies in the UK and are here to stay. The problem is that the whole process can be time consuming and more than a little daunting, especially if you run a small business and...