Let’s Talk Salary Sacrifice

Let’s Talk Salary Sacrifice

Anything to do with tax seems to be something that confuses many employees and employers alike. One of the government schemes set up to help employees save money is called Salary Sacrifice scheme. In simple terms it allows employees to save money by paying for things...

National Insurance increase 2022 – The Facts

      From April 2022 National Insurance Contributions (NIC) for employed and self-employed workers will increase by 1.25%, meaning most working people will pay National Insurance at a rate of 13.25%. In addition, the government will be introducing a...

Extension of Job Retention Scheme to March 2021

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak extended the Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) in November, which will have a major effect on both employers and payroll departments.  In this article we look at the initial guidance and note that there will be further review for guidance from...