JLP can be your nominee for Auto-Enrolment.
Many of our payroll clients have also started using our services to help them get ready for Auto-enrolment. Auto-enrolment has been with us for some time, and in summary it means that every employer with at least one member of staff must put their staff into a workplace pension scheme and contribute towards it.
It’s called automatic for your staff because they don’t need to do anything to be enrolled into your workplace pension scheme. It’s not automatic for you, the employer, however, and that’s where we at JLP can help you take the steps you need to make sure your employees are enrolled.
What sort of companies do we help with Auto Enrolment?
At JLP, we mainly look after SMEs with 50 or less employees who do not have a permanent in-house HR or finance function that can manage the complexities of auto-enrolment without it affecting the smooth running of the business. Now is the time when small businesses are beginning to encounter their staging dates, when the Pension Regulator writes to them, and JLP is being asked by its clients to be the nominee for them to manage the auto-enrolment process for them.
We can also work with the pension company you choose to be your workplace pension provider, and can help and advise on this choice too, meaning we can take even more weight off your shoulders.
Contact us about being your nominee for Auto Enrolment
If you think your company could benefit from nominating JLP to help and advise you with auto enrolment, contact us or call us on 0121 422 0550 for a free, no obligation initial chat.