A bi-monthly magazine for employers and agents that gives up-to-date information on payroll topics. HMRC’s Employer Bulletin gives a detailed update on all current and future guidance, not least because things are forever moving and changing quickly.
If you are a client of ours, of course, you don’t need to worry about any of this. We get these bulletins and make sure all the changes are implemented, so you don’t have to.
The latest Employer Bulletin (updated late October 2024) contains many updates and includes:
Tax updates and changes to guidance
General information and customer support
Guidelines for Compliance — help with VAT compliance controls
the Administrative Burden Advisory Board — Tell ABAB Report 2024
improving data capture of business tax identifiers on the RTI Full Payment Submissions
help us protect workers from getting caught out by tax avoidance
Above is the latest update from 24th October 2024, that’s how quickly things change! It’s enough to put you off payroll for life, isn’t it? Which is why we are here to take it off your desk. Contact us if you are interested in outsourcing your payroll.