New Payroll Management Services Testimonial

We are delighted that one of our newest payroll management services clients, Linda Cotterill Chartered Accountants (based in Worcester), has supplied us with a glowing testimonial. We process up to 40 payrolls a month for them as part of a full range of payroll...

Year End is Approaching – Again. We Can Help!

As many of you know, the tax-year end is fast approaching, again! Year end is a time when lots of payroll related problems can occur, so you might not think that now is a good time to think about switching your outsourced payroll provider. So let us reassure you that...

RTI Update – We’re All Ready To Go

Hooray!! We are delighted to confirm that here at JLP Payroll Services we are ready for RTI – Real Time Information and everything that HRMC’s new system can throw at us. All of our clients’ systems are now cleansed and ready to go!!!! And...