Payroll Services and Holiday Pay

Should Holiday Pay Include Commission? There are always changes being made to Payroll legislation, which ultimately will make their way through to the frontline of Payroll Services  your own company’s payroll. Which is where we at J L Payroll Services come...

Payroll Services and Pension Freedom

Why Payroll Services are Important for the New Pension Freedoms The new Pension Freedoms, which came into law in April 2015 are certainly a revolution in Pensions in the UK, giving those aged 55 or over the freedom to do what they want with their pensions, rather than...

Payroll Services and Job Satisfaction

It’s Official! An Accurate Payroll Service Helps Deliver Job Satisfaction One of the most annoying things that can happen when you’re an employee is to receive your pay – monthly, weekly, it doesn’t matter when – and there’s a...

Payroll Services and Salary Sacrifice

Salary Sacrifice and the Effect on Payroll Services. At JLP we specialise in providing an outsourced payroll service to our clients which is quick, efficient and accurate. Thanks to government legislation, via HMRC, there are always new trends (and rules) to be aware...