April 2020 – Add Furloughing to One of our Busiest Months

by | May 1, 2020 | News

April 2020 – Add Furloughing to One of our Busiest Months

by | May 1, 2020 | News

April is the start of the tax year, and also the start of the payroll year. This means, of course, that April is normally one of the busiest for those of us who run payrolls. There are changes in National Insurance contributions, changes to student loan thresholds, a change to the way holiday is calculated for irregular workers, minimum and living wage increases and pay rises, and so on. However, this year we also have to deal with furloughing and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. We haven?t seen such an unusual payroll month, ever, and it could well go on for a bit longer yet, certainly until the end of June. Don?t forget, we are here to help.

What is Furloughing?

To furlough simply means to temporarily lay off an employee but keep them on the payroll so that they can return as soon as the business can start trading normally again.  Since the job retention scheme was announced by the Government, gradually more information has been made available by HMRC about how this is to be applied in a business: who it can be applied to, for how long and the grant which is being made available to employers to cover 80% of the salary of the furloughed employee.

Outsourced Payroll Bureaux Can do all the Work for you

HMRC have confirmed that payroll agents can submit the claim for the furloughing grant which means us. This means we can still do all of your payroll calculations, including the complex ones that the furloughing scheme has brought in.

Outsourcing your payroll to a bureau which has experienced payroll administrators is certainly a big help in the current climate. We explain the new rules to our clients; give guidance on how to communicate the situation to their employees; we calculate the pay for employees who have been self-isolating for 2 weeks, but who worked one week and then were furloughed ; and of course we submit all claims to HMRC.

Reasons to Outsource your Payroll

Outsourcing has many advantages, especially time saving time.  It?s also what we specialise in, which is why we say we are fast, accurate and reliable.  And when something unusual comes along, and the word unusual is a massive understatement right now, you can be sure we are up to the task.

We work with employers who have between 1 and 50 employees and as well as dealing with their payroll we also manage their auto enrolment communications and contributions.  From charities to nurseries, from service trades and manufacturing to garages, we have experience of most types of employer.

Contact us or call us on 0121 422 0550 to find out how outsourcing your payroll to us will give you more time to concentrate on running your business.


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